Qualicum Woods Phase II Residential Freehold Townhomes, Ottawa, ON

Contact Property Manager

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Qualicum Woods Phase II
Freehold Townhomes
for the residents of
Draper Avenue, Cornell St. and Baseline Road, Ottawa

Condominium Management Group (CMG)

Our Property Manager at the Condominium Management Group (CMG) handles the day to day affairs of the corporation and should be contacted directly by individual unit owners.

If residents have an issue to discuss with the Committee, please email Condominium Property Manager Scott Smith, RCM.
Property Manager
Scott Smith, RCM
Condominium Management Group (CMG)
434 Queen Street, Ottawa ON, K1R 7V7
Email: SSmith@condogroup.ca
Tel: (613) 237-9519 x 227
Fax: (613) 237-3533
Emergency: (613) 762-5704 (24 hours)
Web: www.condogroup.ca

NOTE: When emailing Condominium Property Manager Scott Smith, please cc the owners' committee email address:


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